


In the Creation narrative, three days of the world's evolution dealt with water. In the final book of the Bible, Revelations tells of the river of life flowing from the throne of God. The first thing to exist on Earth was water, and all life sprang from it. Additionally, water will exist in Heaven long after everything else has passed away. The other elements to have this distinction are air and space. As we understand space, air, and water to all be fluids, the power of flow transcends.

Earth's healthy existence depends upon these critical liquids to circulate continuously to maintain life and well-being. Reality sets forth that just because these elements are fluids, it does not automatically warrant that they are flowing. Water that doesn't flow becomes stagnant and contaminated. Air that doesn't flow becomes stale and deoxygenated. A pattern begins to emerge as to the unhealthy state of humankind's existence: figuratively the flow has been dammed, and thus humanity has been damned. 

The culprits that block the flow have brought Earth to its knees and a state of near annihilation. The error of our ways can be identified by the institutions that have reigned in ignominy: governments, education, the economy, family breakdowns, and last but certainly not least, religion.

A radical paradigm shift is upon is. If we are to restore health and healing back to our planet, disruptive change is demanded. We believe an answer is in one simple word. The word is both noun and verb, both a condition of being as well as a command: FLOW.

Way of Water & Wind

The Epiphany




Flow is a Christian reforma. Flow's belief system is founded on the words and actions of Christ. We believe that Jesus did a complete work. The actions and words of Jesus are held to be the final definitive answer in how we believe we are to live amongst all peoples, and treat everyone with no respect of person, especially the outcast and the downtrodden.

Christ's complete work is analogous to genome editing.  Sin nature was eradicated through the work of the cross just as if a patient with sickle cell had their genetic DNA cut and modified using CRISPR-CAS8, and thereafter lived completely free of the disease since the coding error of their DNA that created sickle cell was literally cut away and replaced in totality by the correct genetic coding. When Jesus said, "It is finished," the sin nature was corrected and canceled forever. Thereby, the blood of Jesus cleanses us from all unrighteousness and sin nature. Triumphantly, our spiritual genetics identify us as Sons and Daughters of God forever.

Flow teaches that the complete process of salvation recognizes that as Jesus hung on the cross and was pierced in the side, out came blood and water. Blood is a plasma, and water is a liquid.  Both move and work by flowing. Here, the flow of the water has significance equivalent to the blood. The flow of water is powerful for regeneration and cleansing, empowerment, and communication, water to water. In the same manner in which we bathe and cleanse daily, we bathe and cleanse spiritually on a regular basis. We are continuously being transformed by the renewing of our minds. We are overcomers by the blood of the Lamb (sealed it), and the words (the flow of life spoken from the fruit of our lips, and the living witness of our lives) of our testimony. 

In like manner, the wind of the Spirit is also fluid. Just as the laws of aerodynamics controls the flow of the air to create lift and thrust to take flight, the Wind of the Spirit unhindered allows us soar to heights unknown. Lift overcomes weight by use and configurations of the wings. Thrust overcomes drag (resistance to the air) through the engines providing enough power to offset the drag to create flight. Flight many tons in weight are possible because of the manipulation and flow of the wind.  In the wind of the Spirit, we can soar with the heaviest of payloads without constraint.

Jesus said, And I, if I be lifted up from the  Earth, will draw all men unto me. Jesus carried the weight of the world to the cross, overcame that weight with arms stretched out like wings, to destroy the wages of sin (death), while securing the gift of God (eternal life). The drag, or resistance, to the flow was that the thief came to steal, kill, and destroy, but Jesus came that you might have life, and have it more abundantly.  Furthermore, just as Jesus suffered in the flesh, arm yourselves likewise. In other words, when we get to the point in our lives that we overcome the weight and the drag (sufferings)  in our lives, we, likewise, will soar on the Wind of the Spirit like an eagle. We are more than conquerors. 


The results of moving in the power of Flow releases people from sin consciousness, fear, and defeatism. Once people understand the concepts and principles of how to flow, nothing will be restrained from them. We can flow through any door fluidly just like a liquid or a gas. We can make any key. We can penetrate any obstacle. Individually and collectively, Flow has the unlimited power of a tsunami. Flow will change the world.