
Gender Equality

Lot offered his daughters to rapists. Then, the daughters had incestuous relations with Lot to become pregnant. Judah had sex with his daughter-in-law, Tamar, who dressed as a prostitute and seduced him because Judah had broken his promise to her. Tamar, the daughter of King David, was raped by her half brother Amnon. Absalom, in revenge, killed Amnon, attempted to usurp his father's throne, and committed immorality with his father, David's concubines, to publicly disgrace him. David saw Bathsheba bathing on the rooftop, committed adultery with her, impregnated her, then had her husband killed. Solomon had 700 wives and 300 concubines. Women. Women. Women.

Throughout history, in a patriarchal society, women have been viewed as nothing less than property. This was not always the case. There was a time when matriarchal communities ruled. Those societies did not have the debasing of men as in the other way around. Ever since the fateful sentencing of Eve as the perpetrator behind the Fall of Humanity by patriarchal and misogynous societies, women had a hard row to hoe.

As times progressed, gender roles expanded. In 1924, Henry Gerber founded The Society for Human Rights in Chicago, the first LGBTQ organization in the United States. This organization disbanded shortly after its inception, but a revolution had begun. Throughout the remainder of the 20th Century, the Gay Rights movement picked up steam. 

Now, in this millennia, there are numerous gender roles as societies have become plural and fluid. Flow has mused on the response that Jesus had toward homophilia and the LGBTQ community in Scripture: silence. Flow embraces all people of all orientations in a judgement-free, physically, verbally, and emotionally safe zone.

As such, Flow pushes for gender equality of all people. No human being should be demoralized nor discriminated against because of gender nor orientation.